Trophy design for Zinnov awards

“The Zinnov Awards, since its inception 11 years ago, has become synonymous with innovation, fortitude, and excellence in the Indian technology ecosystem.

 As the Awards have grown in stature, there was a need for us at Zinnov to create a trophy that embodied the same. We were introduced to Neha as a referral and we gave her the onerous task of designing a trophy that reflected our values as an organization as well as the excellence of the ecosystem, while ensuring that the piece crafted was one of a kind. Neha did a great job in understanding our requirements – the ethos and pathos we wanted behind each trophy. 

Her design had the DNA helix rest on a hexagonal symmetrical base showcasing the core values reflective of both our organization and the ecosystem as a whole. Forged in bronze, each trophy was handcrafted with precision that celebrated the dichotomy of symmetry and asymmetry. Over the years, the trophy has become something that the winners proudly display in their awards showcases. 

As Zinnov Awards scaled, we realized, that we needed to have a design that continued to have the boldness of the original trophy but was also convenient for the winners to display effectively. Neha took our brief and designed something unique in terms of look and concept. There was a 360-degree change in the look and feel, where the core material, story, and material remained the same, but the trophy was designed to be minimalist and sleek, which fit well into the way Zinnov Awards had evolved.

​Her understanding of design, shapes, and structural integrity (from her craft as a sculptor) is something that she brought seamlessly into the design of our trophy and truly made it one of a kind and made her a great partner to work with.”

Denny Joseph
Manager – Marketing & Communications
Trophy design for Zinnov awards

Conceptualization and Design thinking for the Zinnov Trophy 2015 -17

“The company value system makes the foundation of the trophy. Integrity, “WOW” factor,  Creativity, Trust,  Courage, Passion – these six values are integrated in a hexagonal structure which as a form represents creation. The hexagon, nature’s perfect shape is iconic to diverse theories in science, sacred geometry and spirituality.

In these designs the form and concept meet rising at different elevations, denoting how a good base – a good value system leads you to progress.  If any of the components (value) is removed from the base, the structure of the trophy is imbalanced. Further stating the importance of each value and its holistic presence.  

The six values form the DNA of the company which is unique to ZINNOV. 

This DNA goes through a time evolution, time when the company is at its peak and otherwise. But its strength lies in its values that ensures growth/survival. The structure is composed geometrically and aligned to the letter ‘Z’. The pyramid on top is larger than the base denoting- there is always more time, more space and more material for innovation and evolution. A representation of infinite time, its crystallization and progress.

Every component of this trophy is crafted and fabricated by hand.”

Neha Mehta

Sculptor/Visual Artist

trophy design
trophy design

Conceptualization and Design thinking for the Zinnov Trophy 2018 – present 

“Design for the new trophy was spontaneous. I skipped the drawing board and directly made a prototype. ‘Z’ became the structure of the trophy, making it sleek and stackable – the main requirement of the new design. With the DNA wrapped around it, precision design and execution, weight of the trophy and minute details of branding the desired results were achieved.  Precision design required use of precision machinery to execute, this shift in execution from handmade to machining also reflects the advancement of technology at Zinnov.”

Neha Mehta

Sculptor/Visual Artist

trophy design
trophy design


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