“I really like the honesty of   Neha Mehta’s way of  working. The same honesty which I see in her way of living. She believes that nature and art have a powerful role to play in our life and thinks that an artist has a strong responsibility, as artist and as a human being. She is fascinated by nature, worried of its sustainability. She sees the contradictions of our way of living, the injustice suffered by many human beings and animals. She works on themes as respect for women, climatic change, sustainability.

She tries to help the people around her in her personal life and to urge those who see her works, urge without impose. She thinks we have to decide what we want to be and I think that she decided to try to improve herself everyday. She is attached to the Indian traditions where every action has a meaning, their values and respect of nature. Her approach looks to me introvert. She analyses herself and expresses with courage her inner feelings in series of sculptures and of drawings. I see consistency with her way of living and a deep honesty in her.

While sculpting she works often with metals. Attentive to the beauty of the materials used, tries to solve technical problems by herself. Often her work, drawings, paintings, sculptures are a series of works evolving one after the other. In a dynamic way. As dynamic are her kinetic sculptures, where movement and equilibrium are linked to give you a feeling of serenity.

Her works are search of peace and grace.”

Eva De Poli Nambiar 

Physicist . Art Connoisseur

Categories: General


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