The requirement:

The Courtyard Design

The theme for the indoor courtyard had been envisioned to incite “chanced interactions” between the occupants in an induced “informal” ambiance. The central lighting fixture is a key element in the courtyard. Conceptually, a sculptural ART element has been proposed for this- which has to enhance as well as complete the design essence. The element has also to reflect the ethos of NSRCEL and in the process, derive its own individual character.

The conceptualization and design:

Changing Dimensions

The courtyard artwork

Signifying balance and change, this kinetic sculpture intends to portray the brilliance of magnifying one’s ideas. The unique design allows for multiple magnifications of a light source to create dynamic patterns of light and shadow. Learning spaces such as NSRCEL-IIM emulate this effect with great minds as their light source. Despite the constant flux of people and events in the courtyard, the stillness of the work invokes serenity while its dynamism gives evolution a chance.

Interconnection – a digital drawing

The south facade entrance artwork.

In a century where at times technology takes over human presence, this drawing is an amalgamation of both the worlds hoping for balance between the two.

Neha Mehta

­­Sculptor/Visual Artist


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