Engaging art installation about mindless thoughts

Our lives are consumed by things that control the way we live. They bring in limitless limitations and erect invisible boundaries, which we fail to recognize. Hierarchy and authority are existent and non-existent at the same time. As such, we look to bypass the very things that are rudimentary to our existence. This is a struggle we face on a macro as well as a micro level.

Our thoughts are generally random, scattered, personal and critical; some shared, and some are hidden. They have a profound impact on our psyche. The same thought can mean differently to different people; likewise, different people can be thinking about the same thing. Our social behavior is an embodiment of our thought. We can either be socially outgoing and open or confined and closed. As such, our thoughts are knit together as a web of experience. This experience tells us how to handle the myriad problems we are faced with. However, we fail to see that beyond this web of experiences lies our solution; within ourselves. As we untangle the web and look beyond, we discover our answers and lightness pervades our senses. We are able to perceive our purpose and direction.

This installation (“Diasporic Intervention”) is to depict our struggle with many clashing and deviating thoughts; mentally, the body suffers due to the meandering nature of these thoughts. They are extremely weighty and keep us grounded. As our mind becomes free of such meandering thoughts, we start feeling light and liberated, thus discovering purpose and direction.<

Neha Mehta

Visual Artist/ Sculptor

Art installation made at Bangalore Artist Residency (BAR1), 2011

Engaging art installation about mindless thoughts
Engaging art installation about mindless thoughts
Engaging art installation about mindless thoughts
Engaging art installation about mindless thoughts
Engaging art installation about mindless thoughts
Categories: Art


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