Sarva – Cosmos

What’s so calming about space? Is it silence? The unknown? The sheer magnificence of it?

Are these spectacular colours real? Does it make you want to explore it? Floating around in zero gravity like you see in science fiction.

What lies beyond our reach, in the depths of space? What secrets are waiting to be unveiled? It’s a captivating realm that beckons exploration and invites us to venture into the unknown.

Sarva, which embodies awareness, peace, and positive energy, can help us cultivate a sense of harmony and balance in our lives. By focusing on the present moment and quieting the mind, we can tap into our inner selves and connect with the world around us in a deeper way.

In fact, the inner sky can be just as awe-inspiring as the outer one. When we look within ourselves, we may find that what we see reflects what’s outside – a vast, interconnected web of energy and consciousness. The elliptical lines that represent the transmission of energy in Sarva’s teachings are a powerful reminder that we are all part of this web, and that our actions and intentions can have a profound impact on the world around us.

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