Public sculpture India Banyan Tree


Viroha (in Sanskrit, a place of growth) reveals the story of our country’s journey. Founded on our interpretation of the Indian banyan tree, Viroha, reveals the deep connection with our culture, knowledge, spirituality, history ‘is’ the very platform that catapults us forward. This diversity allows for real experiences and true growth.

trophy design

Zinnov Trophy Design

A trophy designed, conceptualized and made to embody the company’s value system.
The six values form the DNA of the company which is unique to ZINNOV. 

This DNA goes through a time evolution, time when the company is at its peak and otherwise. But its strength lies in its values that ensures growth/survival. The structure is composed geometrically and aligned to the letter ‘Z’. The pyramid on top is larger than the base denoting- there is always more time, more space and more material for innovation and evolution. A representation of infinite time, its crystallization and progress.

Every component of this trophy is crafted and fabricated by hand.


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